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Quick read: 8 cool features of future cars


The year 2017 saw a lot of advancement in science and technology, and in the auto industry, we saw a purview of all what could feature in future cars.

Developments so far show that the following could be some of the coolest features of future cars:

1. Spherical wheels

Car wheels as we know them might change in a large scale in the nearest future, with automakers already experimenting spherical wheel (a wheel like a football) for cars. Cars would then be able to drive sideways in addition to forward and backward.

2. Autonomous driving

Although cars that fly or drive themselves are not yet available for the public yet, one prominent feature that would be key in future cars is autonomous driving. Cars that drive on their own are only a few years away.

3. Cars that ‘see’

Given advancement in the auto industry, humans would no longer have the monopoly to see the road ahead, as cars would be more able to see and communicate with the environment. Cars are increasingly getting fitted with sensors, especially cameras, with the help of computer vision software, cameras are able to identify signs, such as the speed limit, and adjust accordingly.

4. Windshield displays

Everything is gradually becoming a display, even the walls of our homes, and the car’s windshield would not be left out. Cars of the future would be able to get windshields that double as displays.

5. Automated parking

Automakers are increasingly putting in efforts to make parking hassle-free. At present, many auto companies offer a parallel parking function to guide drivers into spots, but some manufacturers are taking it farther. Automated parking would not require a driver to be in the car.

6. Hybrid cars

Electric cars very well made the wave in 2017 signalling hybrid cars might fade away, but as the conspiracy against electric cars still lingers with the view to maintaining the relevance of fuel-dependent economies, we’ll likely see more new hybrid cars hit the market in the years to come.

7. A smartphone on wheels

Future cars will get a lot more smarter. You could actually be able to programme your destination from the comfort of your bedroom into your Smartphone and sync with your car; so that as you step into your car, it already knows where you are headed, and with autonomous driving, you could have nothing to worry about. Having a conversation with your car, won’t be a hassle in the nearest future.

8. Gasoline engine

With the need to maintain the relevance of the petroleum and gas industry, we could see more gas-powered cars in the future. Gas-powered engines are far more efficient than they’ve ever been. But even as electric cars seem nearly ready to replace gas engines, engineers are still finding ways to squeeze more from the 150-year-old technology.


When we have reached this future, there will be another future for cars.



What are some cool features you think future cars would have? Leave a comment below.


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