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We, members of the Urhobo Renaissance Movement (URM) a peace-loving body made up of patriotic Urhobo professionals both at home and in the Diaspora, conscious of our responsibility to the suffering and oppressed people of the Urhobo nation, (the fifth largest ethnic group in Nigeria and the major ethnic group in Delta State, solidly occupying eight local government areas in Delta State, and parts of three other local government areas, both within and outside Delta State) conscious also of our obligations to our people and the Nigerian State, guided by the 1999 Federal Constitution of Nigeria, do make the following statements:


In view of the in-built mechanisms that make injustice thrive in the country we do hereby join patriotic Nigerians to call for a re-structuring of the federation along the lines recommended by the 2014 National Conference. It is our considered view that the political structure of the country as currently constituted cannot meet the hopes and aspirations of our people.


The resources in our God-given homeland are exploited and deployed to other parts of the federation. For example, Kokori in Urhoboland which is reputed to produce the smoothest crude oil in the country’s wells has been left prostate for decades caused by oil exploitation activities. Farmlands have been destroyed by many years of official neglect. The current situation in which States that do not contribute to the national patrimony benefit more than those that produce the national wealth is unacceptable. In the proposed re-structuring the Urhobo nation votes to return to the Mid-Western Region arrangement.

This will guarantee equity and fairness through devolution of power to the Regions. However in a States-based Federal Republic, we call for the creation of a true Delta State in accordance with the recommendation of the National Conference in 2014.


The Midwest Region remains the only geopolitical zone created by a plebiscite of its people in 1963 in recognition of ethnic minorities in the new Republic. Today, other regions have been expanded in States and zone-composition to the clear marginalization of the Midwest.

We also demand a proportionate distribution of Local Government units in all States on the principle of equality of all units.


We also declare that the Urhobo are NOT part of Biafra. We further demand more devolution of powers from the Exclusive legislative List with opportunity for the federating States to develop at their own pace.

Central to restructuring is the issue of Resource control. By this we mean that economic resources within every State should be harnessed and controlled by the State in which they are derived with a clear-cut contribution formula to the Central Government.


A nation where resources are exploited from one region for the development of others is inequitable and can never create peace. We therefore demand for resource control and fiscal responsibility of federating States as it was in the First Republic.


Urhoboland has suffered criminal neglect in the scheme of things. Apart from lack of federal presence in terms of academic institutions (FUPRE and PTI) are the only federal institutions in the entire Urhoboland. These institutions are headed by non-indigenes in spite of the teeming population of Urhobo academics. Thus local contents are not reflected in federal institutions. The Steel complex in Urhoboland has been sold to persons who did not have the will to consolidate or develop the sector.


The oil majors have relocated from the zone. There are no Urhobo sons on the federal cabinet or occupying ANY position at the federal level. All of these have led to youth restiveness and militancy.


The current level of insecurity in Urhoboland arising from the absence of employment opportunities is unacceptable. Young men cannot find jobs and therefore take to kidnapping, armed robbery and militancy against the State.


We condemn all acts of kidnapping and armed robbery. But we use this opportunity to call on the government to intervene massively in terms of investments. Insecurity is a reality which the people of Urhoboland live with daily.

We call on the Federal authorities to do the right thing by mobilizing enough forces and manpower to effectively deal with the spate of terror in Urhoboland and in the country in general. The Urhobo have been stripped of things.

The governorship seat and the ministerial slot are in the same senatorial zone of the State; the Federal Government appointee as Governor of Central bank is also from Delta North Senatorial District. No major ethnic group in any State has suffered this kind of marginalization in the history of this country. This had a deleterious effect on the psyche and economy of the Urhobo people.


We find it repugnant and disheartening that some Fulani herdsmen who had previously carried out their grazing peacefully have suddenly become agents of widespread destruction.

The impunity with which they destroy farm lands and rape and kill poor innocent villagers in Urhoboland and across the country is alarming. It is a threat to the survival of the Urhobo nation. Their acts have become a threat to the corporate existence of Nigeria. The Urhobo are largely are an agrarian people. Destroying their farm lands is tantamount to destroying the economic life of the people. The criminal silence or apathy of security agencies to the crime is shocking to say the least.

The legislator representing Ethiope East (the area where the herdsmen have unleashed a high degree of terror) in the Delta State House Assembly has drawn the attention of the State and security officials to this brigandage. At the time of issuing this statement the acts of terror have not abated. If anything the brigandage has assumed a higher and frightening dimension. We call on the Federal Government to take immediate action to stop these marauders from exterminating lives and destroying farmlands.


The URM unequivocally condemns in totality all hate speeches emanating from any section of the country. No individual or ethnic group has the right to heat up the polity with speeches that promote hatred and bigotry. The Nigeria-Biafra Civil war from 1967-1970 clearly showed that violence is not the solution to ethnic differences. Religion is a private matter. The constitution guarantees freedom of religion. It is our view that all such hate promoters be dealt with according to the laws of the land.

We therefore call on the Federal Government to urgently address the needs of the Urhobo people. If democracy is a game of numbers the Urhobo nation is not having that benefit right now, either in Delta State or in the federation. We call on the government to create an atmosphere that will make healthy discussions on the terms of the Nigerian union possible. No one has the right to rule out dialogue on the state of the union and how we can all live in peace.

We believe that a political restructuring is urgently needed at this time of our national history.

Signed: Professor Hope Eghagha – Coordinator

AVM Frank Ajobena – Member Steering Committee

Professor Joseph Abugu- Member Steering Committee

Dr (Mrs) Cassidy – Member Steering Committee

Mr. Lexzy Ochibejivwie – Secretary Steering Committee

11th January 2018



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