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Bolt can’t make it in football – Dortmund Coach


Borussia Dortmund coach, Peter Stoeger said world sprint king, Usain Bolt cannot make much impact in professional football.

Bolt has been training with the top German Bundesliga clubside and on he scored a header and a penalty in front of nearly 1500 spectators.


But Stoeger didn’t seem to think the Jamaican could make it in soccer today.

“He is at an age where I say he is no longer so incredibly capable of development,’’ the Austrian coach said.


“You can see that he understands the game. He’s talented. What he’s missing is the teamwork.’’

Dortmund, which shares a sponsor with Bolt, had long extended an invitation for him to train with the team at some stage.


Bolt retired from track after the 2017 world championships. “It was good,’’ Bolt said. “I had fun with the guys. They were very welcoming.’’

“I think it worked out very well,” said Goetze, who won the World Cup with Germany in 2014. “Usain felt comfortable, we could accommodate him well. It was a cool exercise.”

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