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Ex-Man Utd defender questions Cavani signing


Former Manchester United defender Paul McGrath isn’t convinced by Edinson Cavani.

He wrote for the Sunday World: “He was a type of forward I hated marking, one for whom movement was his thing.


“Cavani is always on the move, sniffing where the ball might be.

“A defender never gets a minute’s peace with him, because you know he is a deadly finisher and will turn the smallest ‘quarter-chance’ into a goal.


“But Cavani is now 33. Why was he not playing for Manchester United at the peak of his career?

“Why is the great Thiago Silva only now leading Chelsea’s back-line at the age of 36?


“And what is Gareth Bale doing back at Spurs, but hardly playing, at the age of 31?

“Do they all see the Premier League as some sort of gigantic pension scheme from which they can knock out a couple more years of decent salary?


“If that’s the case, good luck to them. But why are England’s finest clubs employing them?”

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