FIFA called to investigate racial chants against Pogba

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Anti-racism campaigners has urged FIFA to investigate alleged racist abuse aimed at French player, Paul Pogba by Russian fans.


A pitch-side photographer reported the incidence as monkey chants could be heard from the crowd in St. Petersburg during France’s 3-1 win over Russia.

The abuse was also allegedly audible on a television broadcast after Pogba scored France’s second goal.


Piara Powar, head of the anti-discrimination group Fare Network, said: “There should be enough there for FIFA to initiate proceedings.

“If photographers heard it pitch-side, then there must have been stewards and other officials who also heard it.

“If, toward the end of March, these guys don’t know what to do, and they’re not initiating procedures and protocols that exist, then that doesn’t bode very well for the World Cup.

“So close to the World Cup, questions are being asked as to why it wasn’t dealt with as it occurred during play.”


French sports minister Laura Flessel has also called for action. In a post on Twitter, she wrote: “Racism has no place on the soccer field. We should act together at a European and international level in order to stop this intolerable behaviour.”

Laura Flessel


« Le racisme n’a pas sa place sur les terrains de football. Nous devons agir de concert au niveau européen et international afin de faire cesser ces comportements inadmissibles » #FRARUS #exaequo.
Crédits FFF/ Bastien Lheritier.
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