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Mourinho a superior coach to Alex Ferguson – Capello

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Fabio Capello

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Fabio Capello has taken a swipe at former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson.


Capello took aim at Ferguson while defending Jose Mourinho over his move to AS Roma.

“I have always been a Mourinho supporter. He has clear ideas, creates a team spirit and is able to drag everything out of the players. He has the result in his mind,” Capello told Corriere dello Sport.


“Roma are a very difficult club to work in, and I know that too well, so I can only wish Mourinho all the best. And that’s all I’ll say.

“Inzaghi has been at Lazio for five years and I think after that amount of time, a coach can no longer truly impart anything significant to his players.


“Let’s just put to one side the stories of England and Ferguson. The truth is that Ferguson didn’t coach that team, he just went to watch training sessions a couple of times a week and left everything else in the hands of his staff.

“Then he would arrive, talk, decide and they’d follow him. He was completely isolated from the everyday work of the training ground, though.


“The same goes for Arsene Wenger at Arsenal. In Italy, the way you coach a team is completely different and after five years, a coach has very little left to say.”

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