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Premier League winter break to commence, set to be announced

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Proposed plan for a two-week Premier League winter break could be announced before the end of this season.


A break would be held in late January and early February 2020 and staggered to ensure games could be televised on each weekend.

The Football Association council talked about the move on Wednesday after reaching a deal to play the FA Cup fifth round in midweek without replays.


There will still be replays in the third and fourth rounds.

That would limit any potential financial impact on English Football League (EFL) teams missing out on extra gate revenue.


The break, which would only be for Premier League clubs, would not affect Christmas or New Year fixtures.

A final decision is yet to be reached, but talks are at an advanced stage after an agreement was reached between the FA, the Premier League and the EFL.


The FA has long argued in favour of a winter break based on the belief that the Premier League’s physical intensity leaves players over-tired for international tournaments.

It is planned that the first break would be held before Euro 2020, at which Wembley Stadium will host seven matches, including both semi-finals and the final.




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