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Super Eagles ignoring Zambia mind games

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Attempts by Zambia to spark a war of words with Nigeria ahead of their 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifier are falling flat, with the Super Eagles players refusing to take the proverbial bait.


When asked about the continued stream of words coming out of the Zambia camp, a posse of Nigerian players refused to be drawn, even declining to go on record.

“Let them talk, I am not doing any talking for this match,” a prominent Nigeria player told KweséESPN.


“We have seen all what they are talking. Our focus is on our game.”

Team official Patrick Pascal emphasised the squad’s focus on preparations rather than talk, ahead of their clash in Uyo on Saturday.


“They don’t want to say anything. They have left all the talking to the Zambians. The say the coach will speak for them while they focus on qualifying for the World Cup,” Pascal said.

“Those who will attend the press conference, like the captain, will do so but they just want to do their talking on the field.”



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