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Everton should pick Rooney despite drink-drive charge – Wright


Wayne Rooney’s arrest for drink-driving should not affect his place in Everton’s starting line-up, says former Arsenal and England striker Ian Wright.

Rooney, 31, has a court hearing on 18 September after being released on bail over the incident on 1 September.


Since rejoining his boyhood club this summer, Rooney has scored twice in three Premier League appearances.

“I would play him. I can’t see what leaving him out of the team does,” Wright told BBC Radio 5 live.

“The fact is he has started well and they need him.”

Rooney was charged with driving while over the prescribed limit by Cheshire Police after being stopped in the early hours of the morning in Wilmslow.


England’s leading international goalscorer has retired from national-team duty and the incident took place during the season’s first international break.

BBC Sports

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