Communication and How It Affects Results of Your Business

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Global statistics show that large companies lose tens of millions of dollars annually due to ineffective communication. For smaller companies, the losses amount to hundreds of thousands. As a result, 70% of employers emphasize that effective communication is a crucial skill for potential employees.

The Impact of Poor Communication Skills

Poorly developed communication skills quickly make themselves known. Among the signs are employee passivity, missed deadlines, lack of trust within the team, the desire to bet on sports instead of completing work duties, loss of clients, and other costly errors.


What Are Communication Skills?

Almost every job posting lists communication skills as a requirement. But which ones are most important for your team? Is it the ability to listen, persuade, or justify one’s point of view? Or is it the skill of building successful communication strategies? The more precisely you define it, the better fit you will find in a candidate.

Communication skills are the abilities that allow a person to communicate effectively, accurately, and productively. Mastering the art of communication determines success in both professional and social relationships.


Forms of Communication

Meetings, presentations, and business correspondence are formal business interactions. Informal communication includes chatting, exchanging information, discussing work issues, requests, and approvals. These informal dialogues support social ties, establish communication culture, and build trust between employees.

Key Active Communication Skills

Psychologists highlight 10 essential communication skills needed in the workplace:

  1. Oral Communication & Reading (verbal communication) — Developing language skills helps a person express their ideas and thoughts clearly. Professionals who can speak convincingly are always valued.
  2. Written Communication — The ability to write emails, reports, and documents. The more adept you are at simplifying complex topics, conveying information persuasively, and holding the reader’s attention, the stronger your written communication skills become.
  3. Active Listening — This involves listening without interruption, showing interest, asking questions, avoiding hasty conclusions, and summarizing. It helps better understand colleagues and clients, speeding up problem-solving. As Stephen R. Covey writes in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
  4. Empathy — The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and understand their perspective and feelings. Empathy helps foster business relationships and a cooperative atmosphere.
  5. Constructive Defense of Opinions — Clearly and respectfully expressing ideas and opinions without aggression or pressure.
  6. Non-Verbal Communication — Body language, facial expressions, and gestures can enhance workplace interactions.
  7. Adaptability in Communication — Adjusting your communication style depending on the situation and context.
  8. Diplomatic Conflict Resolution — Skills in engaging in constructive dialogue help resolve conflicts and find common ground.
  9. Presenting Information Convincingly — Being able to clearly communicate project ideas and updates during presentations and meetings improves team interaction.
  10. Providing Constructive Feedback — Offering meaningful feedback strengthens individual and team development.

Why Developing Communication Skills Is Crucial for Employees

Statistics offer a clear answer to why communication skills are vital for business:

Good communication is the foundation of corporate culture and directly influences a company’s productivity. Regardless of industry, investing in developing these skills has a positive impact on employees’ career and personal growth.


How Teams Benefit from Developing Communication Skills

Methods for Assessing Communication Skills

Testing is commonly used to evaluate candidates’ communication abilities. HR’s task is to prepare a set of tests that best match the skills needed for the position. For example, if you want to assess how well a person listens and articulates their thoughts, you’ll need to evaluate written and verbal communication, as well as non-verbal cues and active listening.

When hiring sales representatives, customer service managers, or administrative workers, it’s essential to evaluate their ability to express thoughts verbally, understand others, and use appropriate gestures and body language.


Suitable Testing Methods

Methods for Developing Communication Skills

Strong communication skills are not innate; anyone can develop them with time and resources. There are various methods: training, courses, online marathons, business coaching, case-solving, and more. Group practical exercises on techniques like active listening, productive negotiations, and setting a positive tone can be especially helpful.

Tips for Improving Communication Skills

You can also improve communication skills individually by setting a few rules for yourself in dialogues:


To maintain regular and open communication, follow these principles:

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