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iPhone @10: The best is yet to come says Cook


Apple is celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the iPhone, which has revolutionized how smartphones are made and used, but the man at the helm of affairs at one of the world foremost tech firm, Tim Cook, believes the best is yet to come.

“iPhone is an essential part of our customers’ lives, and today more than ever it is redefining the way we communicate, entertain, work, and live,” Cook said.


It all started ten years ago when Apple CEO Steve Jobs took centre stage at MacWorld 2007 in San Francisco to introduce the first ever iPhone. Apple claims that since inception, the company has managed to sell over one billion units, and now CEO Tim Cook claims that the “best is yet to come”.

“iPhone set the standard for mobile computing in its first decade and we are just getting started. The best is yet to come,” Cook said.


2017 is a big year for Apple as it marks the tenth anniversary of the revolutionary mobile device, but January 9 is even more special, as it is the day Jobs took the stage to unveil it for the first time ever. In commemoration, Apple has issued a press release highlighting the journey of what it claims is the “gold standard” in the smartphone industry.

“It is amazing that from the very first iPhone through to today’s newest iPhone 7 Plus, it has remained the gold standard by which all other smartphones are judged. For many of us, iPhone has become the most essential device in our lives and we love it,” Philip Schiller, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing said.


Just to recap, the first iPhone was launched on this day 10 years ago, however it went on sale on June 29, 2007. It spearheaded the smartphone revolution, and was the first phone with a touchscreen 3.5-inch display.

In its first year, Apple managed to sell as many as 6.1 million units. However, 2008 was the year of reckoning, as Apple managed to sell as many as 1 million units in the first week of the iPhone 3G launch. With the iPhone 3G, the company introduced 3G mobile network and GPS capabilities. It was also the first time Apple introduced the App Store and allowed third-party apps integration.


Celebrating its decade of success, Apple looks to create ripples this year as well with the iPhone 8. The smartphone has been heavily rumoured, and is expected to come in an all-glass display, sport wireless charging, feature three variants, lose the Home Button, and introduce a new Haptic feedback system.

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