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Shocking report on Samsung devices

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Yesterday, a shocking report suggested that Samsung phones were using technology that could spy on users through a technique called “beaconing”.


Claims suggested that the creepy technology could monitor everything you are reading and watching online, including personal emails and even porn.

But Samsung has dismissed the claims, and reassures that “ultrasonic beacon technology is not embedded in devices”.


According to Daily Mail, the shocking claims were made by Jim Killock, Executive Director of Open Rights Group, while speaking with The Sun Online.

Mr Killock told The Sun: “Samsung want to get to know you – but they are behaving like a peeping Tom.


“Samsung have taken spying on their customers to a whole new level.

“What you can’t see, and can’t hear, won’t worry you – or so it hopes.


“It needs to own up and switch it off before their customers wise up and ditch them”.

Hundreds of apps and websites are embedded with ultrasonic cross-device tracking technology that picks up inaudible “beacons” emitted from advertisements.


This allows marketers to create personalized ads based on your interests, as they are able to determine your location and what activities you may be engaged in.

And while beaconing is mentioned in the firm’s privacy policy, this is in reference to the use of beacons on websites, rather than in the phones themselves.


The privacy policy states: “We, along with certain third parties, also may use technologies called beacons or pixels that communicate information from your device to a server.

But Samsung has reassured that beacons are not used in its phones.


Read more here.



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