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Hold your governors accountable for economic hardship in your states-Enang tells Nigerians


Sen Ita Enang, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on National Assembly Matters (Senate), has asked Nigerians to hold their governors accountable for whatever economic hardship they face in their states.

Enang made this known in a statement by his Media Aide, Mr. Essien Inyang on Monday in Abuja.


According to the statement, Enang said this while addressing All Progressives Congress(APC) supporters in Ididep, Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State at the weekend.

He challenged the people to be very inquisitive about what is being done with their money as the federal government often remits what is due each state.

“What we have done about the economy is to maintain the provisions of the Constitution. It is implementation of the budget that activates the economy.

“The economy is about states and local governments. The federal government has given states monies that are due to them.


“Akwa Ibom state receives the highest allocation from the Federation Account. It is how the State House of Assembly approves it to be used that affects the economy of the state either positively or negatively,’’ he said.

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