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Insecurity: Some Nigerians playing God, fail to believe in Him – Buhari

2019: Nigeria battling between good, evil forces – Osinbajo

By Emman Ovuakporie

President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday said some set of Nigerians are already playing the role of God by failing to put their faith in Him as insecurity persists in the country today.


This is just as Vice President Yemi Osinbajo said that a new Nigerian nation has already been birthed, but currently covered by a dark cloud occasioned by a myriad of crisis., (TNG) reports Buhari and Osinbajo spoke at the 11th National Prayer Breakfast organized by the Christian Legislators Fellowship of the National Assembly with the theme “Faith in a Time of Crisis.”


The President who was represented by Permanent Secretary, General Services Office, Office of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, OSGF,Dr Maurice Mbaeri, said sincere prayers would bring about the change and betterment of the country desired by all.

“The theme of this year’s national prayer breakfast, ‘Faith in the Time of Crisis’, clearly speaks to what we need as individuals and as a collective in these times when most Nigerians seem to have forgotten their faith because it appears that we are facing insurmountable hurdles. However, in actual fact, a good number of Nigerians have taken over the role of God by failing to place their trust in Him and placing it entirely on themselves and other men.


“Of course it is very difficult to keep faith in times of crisis, especially when all we think we can do and agree as humans, and most especially policy makers, is not yielding the desired results of calming the stormy waves. As such we begin to ask God, where are you? We begin to debate whether there is need to trust God.

“I am confident that this keynote address that has been delivered by the Presiding Bishop, Living Faith Goshen City Abuja, Bishop David Abioye has encapsulated these thoughts in a more elaborate and succinct manner and further encourages us all on how to keep our faith in times of crisis. Our hope is in God Almighty and our strength is in his will concerning us and that is why we are confident that these prayers are not in vain but will work out for our good as a people and as a nation.


“Prayer is a source of strength regardless of religion and it brings forth solutions at all times. In our multi-layered society where there is an obvious combination of various tribes and religions, it is fair to say that we believe that sincere prayer would bring about the desired change and betterment of our families, local communities and of course the society at large,” Buhari said.

He said the country shall continue to join hands together to pray for its sustenance and good until the desired result is achieved.


Vice President Osinbajo, who was represented by the State House Chaplain, Pastor Seyi Molomo said the destiny of the Nigerian nation was in the hand of the children of God as the scripture enjoined them to always cry to God when there are challenges.

“In the throes of the pandemic well over a year leading to severe economic downturn, there were loss of jobs and Source of livelihood. As we climb out of the recession, we have been faced with an unprecedented scale of insecurity in different zones of the nation.


“But for us who are gathered here today, Christian legislators, who trust in the God that answers prayers and who lead by faith and not by sight, would see the invisible.

“By our faith we have knowledge that every time that a nation is challenged, it is God’s call for to his people to take action, to rise up in faith, seize the opportunity for God to demonstrate that he is all over the nations, he is the creator of the heavens and the earth and that he knows the beginning from the end.


“Apostle Paul describes the type of faith we have to demonstrate in crisis. Second Corinthians 4:13 says ‘and since we have the same spirit of faith according to what is written, I believed and therefore I spoke’. We also believe and therefore speak. God has ordained us to speak concerning the things that we want to see in the time of crisis.

Quoting the scripture in Jeremiah, 1:9-10 he said the destiny of nations is in the hands of children of God.

“From Zerubabbel to Nehemiah, we see ordinary men and women nations at the direction of God and by prophetic action. The scripture has consistently shown us that the children of God by their faith are central to the deliverance of their nation in time of crisis. They must desire the change, they must cry to God and be ready to make the sacrifice of repentance.

“The word of God does not agree with logic or with our thinking. God is saying here that it is not the nation that repents. It is his own people who are called upon to repent and turn from their evil ways. As we are the salt, we are also the light. The light ends the darkness. It marks the end of a night of weeping and marks the glorious sunlight of the morning of joy.

“As we pray, we prophesy our crisis will end. A new nation would be birthed. One where like the city to which Elisha went, the land was healed and the people prospered and peace and joy prevailed.

“I speak these words also to our nation. Thus says the Lord I have healed this waters. From it there shall be no more death or barrenness. According to the words of Elisha which he spoke, we say the same words to our nation as well that there is an end to the crisis. There is a dawning of a new day, the birthing of a new nation. As the scripture says, weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning.

“The new nation is birthed already but covered by the clouds of crisis, one crisis or the other, but I want to let us know the clouds would clear and God Almighty would take all the glory for the birthing of this new nation.”

Guest Speaker, Bishop David Abioye in his sermon, said faith is the life wire of Christianity and what is needed to overcome the challenges facing the country.

Abioye, who is the Presiding Bishop, Living Faith Church, Goshen City, Abuja, said however the people need to turn away from evil and turn to God as faith goes with integrity.

He urged that despite everything, the nation must remain committed to the will of God.

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