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Intel chiefs, media should apologise over Russia – Trump

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Incoming U.S. President Donald Trump has called on U.S. intelligence chiefs and the media to apologise to him over recent intelligence reports confirming Russians meddling in the Nov. 8, 2016 election.


Trump tweeted on Sunday that “those Intelligence chiefs made a mistake” over the reports and demanded their apology, alongside the media that reported the documents linking his campaign to Russian hackers.
“Thank you to Bob Woodward who said, ‘That is a garbage document…it never should have been presented…Trump’s right to be upset (angry) about that.

“Those Intelligence chiefs made a mistake here, & when people make mistakes, they should apologise.


“Media should also apologise,” Trump demanded on his Twitter handle.

The President-in-waiting, however, regretted that the country had been divided, angry and untrusting, assuring that the situation will change.


“For many years our country has been divided, angry and untrusting.

“Many say it will never change, the hatred is too deep.


“It will change!!!!” Trump tweeted

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