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5 Ways to celebrate making it to the end of 2017

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Yipeee! So you’ve made it to the final month of the year and with less than nine days to the end of the year, there’s every reason to close out 2017 by celebrating the many blessings that came your way and to to give yourself a tap for every achievement made; great or small.


Few days from now, a lot of people will whip out their pens and notepads plotting for the 365 days of 2018. New resolutions, goals, habits and plans on how to make these achievable will take bulk space on your notepad. Yet, in constantly looking to the future, it’s easy to miss the little life blessings and the magic of the moment and all we have achieved. Here are 5 ways to celebrate yourself for making it to this time of the year.


Take inventory of your life

First start by acknowledging blessings that came your way and things achieved from the smallest to the biggest. List by making a list of “Goals I achieved personally and professionally through focused effort” followed by “Goals I helped others achieve”. Next list things and experiences that didn’t necessarily pay close attention to but happened anyways like being healthy and making new friends. You’ll find out that taking the time to appreciate that went right reminds you of how far you have come.


Celebrate the ‘little’ things

Did you find a way to give tough feedback in an effective way? Took the stairs at work? Wiped your makeup off before bed? Tuned out the news? Recognize the amazing little things you get done on the daily basis and give yourself the credit you deserve. You are pretty amazing.


Get ready to pop some bottles

The next time you’re at the supermarket, remember to grab some champagne bottles or any other bottle of wine you fancy on your way out. Do this so that whenever you have an amazing day or great news come your way, you pop a bottle open. Life is a gift we unpack each day. Take every opportunity to clap and raise a glass.


Begin plans for your birthday

Well for some us it’s going to be a long wait ( I’m sure those born in the ‘ember’ months totally get this). Notwithstanding, whether you are turning 16, 25, or 48 in 2018, it’s a year you’ve never seen and an occasion worth celebrating. Send a save the date now to people you love and would love to celebrate the day with you. Commemorating the special day before it actually comes an exciting activity with people you love plus this way no way can have an excuse for forgetting your day or not getting you a gift!


Look how far you’ve come

You may have some more items to check off your achievements list and not be exactly where you want to be just yet, but honey, you are not where you used to be. Take a trip down memory lane and recreate your success moments mentally. Maybe you got that promotion that was long overdue or took that vacation to a new country but yet to build/buy your house, connect with the woman/man you once were and be proud of YOU now.



Cheers to the coming year!

Also Read: 5 Trending movies you must see this weekend

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