67 Young girls drop out of secondary school due to pregnancy

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An overwhelming 67 primary and secondary school girls aged between 13 and 16 have dropped out of school as a result of early pregnancy.


The government has been alarmed by the growing number of such young girls abandoning school due to pregnant. Just who is responsible for this filthy mess?

The shocking revelation was made by Ms. Christine Mndeme, District Commissioner, Dodoma, Tanzania, when presenting a special report on the achievements and challenges facing various sectors under the Ministry of State in the Prime Minister’s office.


The special report revealed that the 67 school girls dropped out of school between August last year and February (this month) as a result of early pregnancy.

“We are not going to tolerate seeing the future of these young and ambitious girls get ruined by some unscrupulous and irresponsible adults.They will be dealt with accordingly and ruthlessly,” said Ms. Mndeme.


Mndeme added that office, in collaboration with the regional education office and the police had launched major investigation and crackdown in attempts to find those responsible for impregnating school-going kids.

The society, Ms. Mndeme said, must now more than ever be in the forefront in the fight against this scourge, even as the government tries to put an end to it.


Ms. Mndeme also advised parents, teachers, and head teachers to put more efforts in educating the pupils and students on the importance of education and why they should avoid at all cost early pregnancy.


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