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Valentine’s special: 5 Amazing tips to attract the right man… (Ladies)

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St. Valentine’s Day is a time when people show feelings of love, affection, and friendship. It is celebrated in many ways worldwide and falls on February 14 each year.


This is also a time when people search for their one true love, and when people try to find love at this time, some go about it in the wrong way.

Therefore, ladies one of the best ways to attract the right man this valentine’s period is you being the best you and there is no need to be someone you’re not.


So in order to inspire his total devotion, you need to stop using all the wrong ways (sex especially) that most women think work to get love, but really just push men away. has compiled 5 tips to attract the right man this valentine’s period. See below…

  1. Conception

Do you ever notice that when you start thinking about someone, they call you? Conception is a strong tool to use.

Not just the physical, but the way he treats you and other people, what he does for a living, the way he laughs, and basically the way he lives his life.


Conception doesn’t cost anything, but it can give you back more than you ever dreamed of.

  1. Be at the right place, at the right time

Are you looking for a basketball player?Then why not get up and hit the basketball pitch.

If you are looking for the social type of guy, you should attend weddings, parties and other social gatherings to get what you want.

And if you truly feel like the man of your dreams is in a specific place or event, the best way to find him is to be there!

  1. Stay Optimistic

Always stay optimistic! Instead of putting out there all of the negatives, put out the positives of what you are looking for. Being optimistic makes you more attractive.

If his sense of humor, his kindness, his stability, his passion, or whatever it is that sugars your tea, or you like to be around the person who complains a lot, just put it out there.

  1. Open mindedness

While growing up we may have had a picture of the person we wanted to be with in our minds, but experiences and maturity can change that picture.

Think of the characteristics they have that you are attracted to, Instead of being sure that you still want to marry a john.

Keeping an open mind can find you your heart’s desire.

  1. Put your interest first

If you walk into a situation where you don’t need someone but rather are excited about enjoying someone’s company, not only are you less likely to be disappointed, you are also more likely to find satisfaction.

The purpose of a mate is not to colour your #world, but rather to make those colours a little more vibrant.

Instead of spending your energy finding the one to complete you, complete yourself!

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