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Army deploys troops to ‘flash points’ in Rivers


The Nigerian Army yesterday said it had deployed troops to flash points to prevent breakdown of law and order before, during and after today’s legislative elections in Rivers State.

The General Officer Commanding (GOC) 6 Division of the Nigerian Army in Port Harcourt, Maj.-Gen. Kasimu Abdulkarim, made the announcement while addressing officers and soldiers at the divisional headquarters in Port Harcourt.


He said troops would be deployed to strategic locations including oil and gas installations and other critical assets in and around the state.

According to him, commanders will embark on early planning, coordination and liaison with civil authorities, the police, INEC and other stakeholders to ensure hitch free elections.


“Commanders are to ensure that troops are deployed at the outer perimeter of designated collation centres and polling booths in support of the police without getting directly involved with INEC activities.

Similarly, commanders are to direct the conduct of patrols, establish checkpoints and roadblocks and provide escort during the election in order to prevent unlawful movements, ballot box snatching and sundry crimes,” he said.

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