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Democracy has come to stay — Dickson


Gov. Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa on Sunday in Yenagoa challenged anti-democratic forces to have a rethink, insisting that democracy had come to stay in Nigeria.

Dickson said this in a goodwill message to all Nigerians ahead of the 2017 Democracy Day celebration.


In the statement signed by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr Daniel Iworiso-Markson, Dickson said that it was no longer fashionable to have a non-democratic society, because democracy remained the best system of government.

The governor expressed optimism that democracy would continue to grow in Nigeria and become a reference point for many countries, in spite of the machinations of anti-democratic forces.


He noted that democracy had evolved in the country, adding that efforts were being made to address the developmental challenges in the country.

‎While paying tribute to all those who had contributed to the sustenance of democracy in the country, the Bayelsa governor said that they have a confirmed place in the good books of history.


He, therefore, charged critical stakeholders such as members of the National Assembly, civil society organisations and the media, to discharge their duties with diligence and commitment.

He reminded them of their task to defend and promote the noble ideals of democracy even in the face of constant threats and intimidation.


Dickson used the opportunity to congratulate Bayelsans and Nigerians generally on this year’s anniversary of Nigeria’s Democracy Day and prayed God to continue to guide and preserve the nation democracy.

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