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Breaking: Trump goes tough, launches airstrike against Syria

US President Donald Trump.


The United States on Friday launched dozens of cruise missiles at Syrian government facilities in response to a chemical weapons attack that killed dozens of civilians, US media reports.

On President Donald Trump’s orders, US warships launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles which destroyed portions of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s military infrastructure. According to reports, the primary target was an airbase in Shayrat, located outside Homs.


US defense officials said two warships have been training for the past two days to execute this mission.
“Our forward deployed ships give us the capability to quickly respond to threats… these strikes in Syria are a perfect example – this is why we’re there,” said a Navy official.

Ahead of his dinner with Chinese president, Xi Jinping, Trump met with his national security team. US Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Trump’s national security adviser Gen. H.R. McMaster were with Trump at Mar-a-Lago at the time. Vice President Mike Pence remained in Washington, where he returned to the White House after dinner.

Trump, who condemned the Syrian government’s decision to use chemical attacks said Assad had “crossed the line”.


“I will tell you it’s already happened that my attitude toward Syria and Assad has changed very much.

“When you kill innocent children — innocent babies — babies — little babies with a chemical gas that is so lethal, people were shocked to hear what gas it was, that crosses many, many lines. Beyond a red line, many, many lines,” Trump said.

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