Coronavirus: Chinese Envoy faults claims by Lai Mohammed

Coronavirus: Chinese Envoy faults claims by Lai Mohammed

Zhou Pingjian, the Chinese Envoy in Nigeria has faulted claims made by the Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed that there were only 16 Nigerians in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus broke out. (TNG) reports Pingjian as saying there are 60 Nigerians living in Wuhan, contrary to the claim of Lai Mohammed, who also said that the Nigerians in the Chinese city were unwilling to return.


Pingjian, who made this known on Monday at a media briefing at the China Embassy in Abuja, said there might be 40,000 or 50,000 Chinese nationals in Nigeria and that most of them are resident in Lagos.

“According to our check with your embassy (in China), there are 60, not 16 Nigerians, that are in Wuhan now. Your embassy has maintained regular communication with them. At this moment, no one risks much movements,” he said.


The ambassador said the Chinese government are taking relevant steps to contain the virus and keep residents safe.

“We give the health of the Chinese citizens and foreign nationals including our Nigerian friends equal treatment.


“Nigeria has taken measures more than as required in emergencies and that is commendable. And there is no Chinese national in Nigeria that is affected by the virus,” Pingjian said.

Asked about measures taken to ensure there is no case of the virus imported from China, Pingjian said the embassy is asking Chinese nationals to follow the travel advisory issued by the World Health Organisation.


“For the Chinese nationals who went back home for the festivals, apparently, they wish to get back home as scheduled.

“But I can tell you, not only for Nigeria, even those from other countries, are reconsidering their plans especially if it is not so urgent so as to reduce the risk involved.


“But if it is necessary to travel, once they follow the travel advisory, we still feel it is normal for people to travel beyond the borders,” he said.

Read opening remarks made by Pingjian at the Monday media briefing below:


Abuja time today, the total number of confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection climbed to 17205, and 21558 people were suspected of being infected with the virus in the Chinese mainland, according to China’s National Health Commission.

A total of 361 people had died of the disease. 475 people had been discharged from hospital after recovery. These are not numbers. These are lives, families, communities. This is going to be an unforgettable Spring Festival for the Chinese, as families are separated but united to stand together in the face of the disease.


The safety and health of the people always come first, and thus the prevention and control of the outbreak is the country’s most import work for now. The Chinese government attaches great importance to the epidemic. President Xi has repeatedly given important instructions on prevention and control work, and personally held a meeting on the first day of the lunar New Year for redeployment and remobilization.

Under the leadership and personal commitment of President Xi, China has built a nationwide prevention and control system focusing on Wuhan and Hubei, from the central government to the local level, and work in all aspects is underway. All aspects of work are open and transparent, and we are speeding up progress in a scientific and orderly manner. All things considered, the epidemic can be contained, controlled and treated.

The Chinese nation has gone through great winds and waves and overcome countless difficulties.

We believe that under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Government, the people of the whole country will unite as one, and be fully capable and confident to win this battle of epidemic prevention and control at an early date.

The 1000-bed makeshift hospital in Wuhan, which was built in 9 days and is in full operation today, speaks volumes.

Fighting the spread of the epidemic is a common concern of the international community.

China is willing to work with other countries in the world, including Nigeria, to respond to the epidemic actively.

We have informed the World Health Organization, relevant countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan of the latest epidemic situation, and have shared information on virus gene sequences with all parties at the first time.

We have taken the most comprehensive and rigorous containment and mitigation measures, and many of them go well beyond the requirements of the International Health Regulations (2005).

By doing so, China is not only protecting the health of its people, but also that of people around the world.

Such efforts are fully recognized by many governments as well as the WHO. AS WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros said on several occasions, China deserves gratitude and respect for its efforts to contain the outbreak and that China’s experience is worth learning for other countries.

As he sees it, China has in fact taken more measures to contain the outbreak than it is required to do in case of an emergency, and China is setting a new standard for outbreak response for other countries.

We thank the international community, including Nigeria, for its full understanding and support for China.

As you are aware, WHO declared the outbreak as a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) last Thursday.

As Director-General Dr. Tedros clearly stated, the main reason for this declaration is not because of what is happening in China. It is about protecting countries with weaker health systems and which are ill-prepared to deal with potential spread. WHO continues to have confidence in China’s capacity to control the outbreak.

There is no reason for measures that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. WHO doesn’t recommend limiting trade and movement. Director-General’s recommendations should be seriously considered.

Under current circumstances, solidarity is what the world needs. The epidemic is occurring mainly in China, with limited spread to other countries. China has made enormous contribution to the world with its concrete actions.

All countries should adopt a responsible attitude, work together to combat the virus, and avoid overreaction that may result in more negative spillover effects.

Life comes first. The Chinese Government is committed to safeguarding the safety and health of the Chinese people.

We will, in a responsible manner, safeguard the safety of every foreign national in China, including the Nigerian expatriates, and address their legitimate concerns in a timely manner.

We will continue to strengthen communication and coordination with the international community and work hand in hand for epidemic prevention and control.

Finally, I would like to echo what Dr. Tedros, the DG of WHO, pointed out last Thursday, “This is the time for facts, not fear. This is the time for science, not rumors. This is the time for solidarity, not stigma”. Thank you very much.

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