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Italy reopens Embassy in Tripoli

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Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has announced it is reopening its embassy in Tripoli, Libya.


“After two years, Italy will again become operational in Libya with an ambassador scheduled to present letters of credence to the local government tomorrow.

“The reopening of the embassy in Tripoli is a very important sign of friendship with the Libyan people, all the Libyan people, and is also a strong sign of confidence in the Country’s stabilization process,” the Italian MFA said in a statement.


Italy had closed its embassy in Libya and repatriated its staff in 2015, warning its nationals against travelling to the former colony and urging those already there to leave, citing “growing instability” in the country.

But, Rome has said it is reopening its office in the once troubled country after hostilities have subsided.


Already, Rome has named an undisclosed ambassador that will that will head operations at the embassy.

“The ambassador-designate is one of the most knowledgeable people of the Mediterranean region and its political issues: this is why he was chosen,” the MFA said.


Rome has as well already set up diplomatic goals for its Libyan office with the two countries expected to improve trade ties and strengthen connections.

“We are working to achieve tangible results in combating illegal immigration and human trafficking and in controlling the migrant transit points on the southern border between Libya and Niger.


“Compatibly with assuring security conditions, we also aim to improve trade between our two Countries, strengthen connections between Italian and Libyan businesses and promote investment opportunities, also with a view to renewing the drilling infrastructure and the bilateral cooperation in the field of renewable energy sources and unconventional hydrocarbons,” the MFA said.

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