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London Tower Fire: May orders public investigation as death toll rises to 17 [Video]

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British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday ordered a full public investigation into the London high-rise fire that killed at least 17 people, a toll that was likely to rise.


May made her announcement after she toured the devestation. She earlier had promised a “proper investigation” to the cause of the fire. The Prime Minister also posted a video on her Twitter handle @Number10gov instructing that the investigations be carried out to unravel the mystery behind the incident and also satisfy public curiosity.

Forty-four households received emergency accomodation. Investigators said they did not expect to find anyone else alive after the blaze and that it was too early to speculate on how the inferno that engulfed the 24-floor building started.


“Tragically now we are not expecting to find anyone else alive,” Cotton told Sky News. “The severity and the heat of the fire will mean that it will be an absolute miracle for anyone to be left alive.” reports that fire engulfed a 24-storey block of flats in central London on Wednesday, killing over 17 people, injuring at least 50 more and trapping some residents asleep inside the towering inferno.

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