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Ukraine rejects 37-year-old Briton willing to fight for them

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A 37-year-old British man, Leon Dawson, who traveled to the Polish border with Ukraine in a van filled with aid and willing to take up arms against Russian troops, has said his request was rejected by Ukrainian officials because he has no military experience.



Recall that a British politician, Secretary of State for Foreign- Commonwealth and Development Affairs, Liz Truss, had said she would “absolutely” support British nationals who chose to go to help fight against the Russian invasion.



Dawson, who runs a gym in the Molesey area of England, explained that he was turned down after being told he would be “a liability”.



According to him, he was willing to lose his life defending Ukraine when he visited the country’s embassy in London to sign up for its “foreign legion” of fighters.



“If they need me to fight, then obviously that’s something I’m willing to do.



“What I’m not going to do is go there and get myself trapped. I don’t speak the language, I don’t have any of the currency. I don’t have anyone to help me.



“To get trapped there would be obviously very, very bad. I’m trying not to let that happen,” Dawson said.



Dawson pointed out that it was not clear before he volunteered to join the foreign legion that Ukraine would reject offers due to a lack of military experience.


The Briton asserted that after visiting the embassy and emailing his details to an address provided by the Ukrainian embassy, he said he was told not to join the fight in Ukraine because “you’ll be more of a liability than a help”.

He added that the Ukrainian official told him: “We don’t have the resources to train you, we don’t have the time to train you either.”


Dawson avowed that he is not a stupid person, saying “I understand war is way more than just people shooting.
“To be fair, I don’t think I would be much help shooting. I haven’t used a gun before, I don’t know the language, I don’t know the tactics. I would be better put to work doing something else.”


Dawson was seen traveling to the Polish town of Medyka – the main border crossing between Poland and Ukraine – with another British man called Kai Portlock.

Their van was full to the brim with aid including food, medical supplies and children’s toys that they hope to distribute in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, another volunteer, 60-year-old Brian Grove, said he was given an email address by the Ukrainian embassy to send his details, including proof of any military experience, but he did not receive a response.


Grove, a former member of the Territorial Army, maintained that he was disappointed not to be able to take part in the military action against Russia.


“I’m also particularly disgusted that the Foreign Office is threatening volunteers with prosecution when they come back. So much for Liz Truss saying on television that she’ll support volunteers who go out, he added.


It was gathered that last week, more than 16,000 foreigners had volunteered.

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