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Partnership of donors and recipients: EU-Africa resets – By Owei Lakemfa

Arise O Compatriots, Nigeria, We Hail Thee - By Owei Lakemfa

In a tumbling world with shifty and shifting alliances, the  European Union, EU met with its Nigerian and  West African partners on Wednesday for a possible reset.

The twin meetings at the National Counter Terrorism Centre, Abuja, held under the shadows of France and United States losing military bases in the region to Russia and, claims that the two-some are in search of new bases. There are also other challenging  developments such as a spike in coups, Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso exiting the Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS  and supposed democracies like Togo, subverting the democratic system.


The theme was about “Reducing vulnerabilities  through partnerships” A session  was a stakeholders engagement on “Nigeria’s defence and security perspectives” and the second, on “Regional  defence and security perspectives.”

These meetings are coming on the back of  a High-Level  African Counter Terrorism  Meeting in Abuja a few weeks ago and on-going “Strategic Dialogue”  between the EU and  the Tinubu administration.


Ambassador Samuela Isopi, the Italian diplomat who is Head of the EU Delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS told the May 15, 2024 meeting in Abuja: “We live in a single  security theatre. What happens in one region of the world directly affects another…Crises or conflicts that emerge  locally can quickly  become global, with more far-reaching  consequences  than ever before.”

Ms Isopi  who has had diplomatic experiences in Russia,  Vietnam, Afghanistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina posited that: “Threats  are transnational, more complex and diverse, but the nature of the  threats we face is increasingly similar. Hybrid, cyber and information manipulation are now the norm everywhere.”


Major General Adamu Luka, National Coordinator of the Nigerian  National Counter Terrorism Centre, NCTC   lamented that  while West Africa, with diamond in Sierra Leone, gold in Ghana and oil in Nigeria, is a rich region, its people are very poor with 70 per-cent  below the poverty line. He said  democracy demands  certain expressions such as good governance and children at school. He added that  while it is true that  Africa has a huge youth  population, the large  number of out- school-children, constitute a future  problem. General Laka added sarcastically: “They say two heads are better than one, but two empty  heads, are not.” He said there are talks about resilience  but wondered if  it is possible to be resilient  on an empty stomach.

He traced the worsening security challenges such as that in Mali, to the overthrow of President Muamar Ghadaffi in Libya. He asked rhetorically how the EU is assisting   in the fight against corruption  and for good governance, adding that such challenges are recipes for terrorism.


Ambassador Pieter Leenknght, whose country, Belgium holds the rotating EU Presidency was more focused on  misinformation, disinformation and the power of the press.  He said the press can  make  threats look much bigger than they actually are, so some attention should be focused on these.

Ambassador  Kalilou Traore of Cote d’Voire  presented what he called the worst and best case scenarios.  In  the first,  he said  the coup epidemic continues, Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger Republic  finalize their withdrawal from ECOWAS with some other countries joining them, terrorism continues  and  ECOWAS collapsing. In the best case scenario;  coups stop, democratic elections are strengthened and ECOWAS, strengthens. The meeting he said, provides an opportunity  to examine why things have not worked out well  and how the situation can be changed. The 68-year old diplomat advocated for  the stabilization of ECOWAS, and the polity in Member countries. He added  that although democracy is a process, the costs including elections which sometimes take lives, is too high and should be checked.


Dr Cyriaque Pawomothom Agnekethom, ECOWAS Director of Peacekeeping  and Regional Security  in commenting on the three countries exiting ECOWAS, said the security treat we are facing is transnational, hence no   single country can    succeed in fighting them off. So, ECOWAS should continue to play the central  role as it is best suited  to check the threats.  He said those who partner with the region should favour regional leadership. Such leadership, he counselled, should be locally owned so that  it does not appear it is being teleguided.

Colonel Ademola Lawal of the Savanah Centre for Diplomacy, Democracy and Development, SCDDD made an interjection to which there was no coherent response. In noting the issue of military coups in the region, he asked, what about civilian coups?  He described such coups as those executed by the civilian leadership of some countries who apart from capturing executive power, also exercise  legislative   and judicial powers and perpetuate themselves in office.


Dr Paul Andrew Gwaza of the Institute of Peace and Conflict Resolution argued that the trigger of insecurity are local so there is the need to localise initiatives and the  ECOWAS. He said it is imperative  to  return to  the vision of the ECOWAS of the People with  focus  on economic empowerment.

Ambassador  Abdel-Fatau Musah, the ECOWAS Commissioner  for Political Affairs,  Peace and Security submitted that: “It is not just ECOWAS, but the world that  lacks leadership.” He said the body’s  vision  to move from  the ECOWAS of States to the ECOWAS  of the People, has stuck in “the ECOWAS of States.”


He said ECOAWS wanted to institutionalize  two terms  in office for the Heads of State in the region but some wanted more dialogue, so the dialogue  is on-going.   He added: “You are as strong as your  weakest link.”

The leadership problem in Member States, from his perspective, is not ECOWAS as an institution, but the people. He cited the cases of  Burkina Faso and Gambia where the people rose to change their circumstances. In response to the ECOWAS silence on Togo where President Faure Gnassingbe is perpetuating himself in power by changing the constitution into a so-called parliamentary system that would ensure his continuation in power, Musah asked rhetorically:  “ You talk about Togo, where are the forces in Togo?”

He regretted  that apart from the big powers, “medium forces” especially from the Middle East are beginning to interfere in Africa.

Mr Paul Ejime, former War Correspondent disagreed with Mr Musah on subversion of the constitutional process such as  in Togo, saying nothing  stops ECOWAS from taking a position in such a case.

Ambassador Juan Ignacio Sell of  Spain in  giving a summary of the twin meetings said the EU wants to get things right and is ready to review  its  past work. The meetings he said, feed into the Schuman Security and Defence Forum of the EU and   over sixty partner countries scheduled to hold from   May 28-29, 2024 in Brussels.

As  the Brussels Forum approaches, the question remains for how long would African countries remain recipients of  EU generosity especially when ‘there is no free lunch anywhere, not even in Freetown.’

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