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The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) has said that 19 of its corps members will have to repeat the exercise.


The NYSC accused them of absconding from their service-year programme and would repeat it whenever they presented themselves to the authority.

The State Coordinator, Mr Benjamin Omotade, said this during the passing out of the 2017 Batch A, Stream 1 corps members in Asaba on Thursday.


Omotade said that 16 would have their service year extended for between two weeks and four months.

He said that they corps were found wanting and had been reprimanded in accordance with the bye-laws of the NYSC.


He, however, said that three corps members who distinguished themselves in their primary places of assignment during the service year had been selected for recognition and awards.

He said that two who belonged to Stream 1 would receive the Chairman’s Award while one would be conferred with the state Honours Award during the 2017 Batch A Stream 11 passing out.


He said that the recognition and awards were also in line with the policy of the scheme.

He advised the corps members to go home and reunite with their families after a meritorious service to the nation.


Also, Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta admonished the corps members not to be deterred by security challenges and unemployment.

Okowa was represented by the Commissioner for Youth Development, Mr Oghenejaro Ilolo.

The governor said that their participation and experience in the scheme were to equip them with the necessary skills and strategies for survival as adults in a competitive world.

The NYSC accused them of absconding from their service-year programme and would repeat it whenever they presented themselves to the authority.


The State Coordinator, Mr Benjamin Omotade, said this during the passing out of the 2017 Batch A, Stream 1 corps members in Asaba on Thursday.

Omotade said that 16 would have their service year extended for between two weeks and four months.

He said that they corps were found wanting and had been reprimanded in accordance with the bye-laws of the NYSC.

He, however, said that three corps members who distinguished themselves in their primary places of assignment during the service year had been selected for recognition and awards.

He said that two who belonged to Stream 1 would receive the Chairman’s Award while one would be conferred with the state Honours Award during the 2017 Batch A Stream 11 passing out.

He said that the recognition and awards were also in line with the policy of the scheme.

He advised the corps members to go home and reunite with their families after a meritorious service to the nation.

Also, Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta admonished the corps members not to be deterred by security challenges and unemployment.

Okowa was represented by the Commissioner for Youth Development, Mr Oghenejaro Ilolo.

The governor said that their participation and experience in the scheme were to equip them with the necessary skills and strategies for survival as adults in a competitive world.

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