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BREAKING: Boko Haram forces UN to suspend humanitarian work in Damasak, Dikwa

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The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Nigeria (UNOCHA) said it is putting on hold operations in Dikwa and Damasak in Borno State.


Edward Kallon, UN resident and humanitarian coordinator in Nigeria disclosed this in a statement made available to (TNG) on Sunday.

According to Kallon, the decision is due to the incessant attacks by the Boko Haram terrorist groups in the two communities. He said the UN is forced to safely relocate the humanitarian staff to other locations.


“I am deeply concerned about the recent attacks on humanitarian operations in Dikwa and Damasak, affecting humanitarian assets and personnel.

“We have temporarily suspended operations in these areas in order to safely relocate humanitarian staff and are closely monitoring the situation.


“We intend to resume operations as soon as possible, so that civilians affected by the conflict continue to receive the assistance they need.

“I condemn in the strongest terms attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure which may constitute violations on International Humanitarian Law,” Kallon said.

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