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BREAKING: Gov Okowa dissolves State Executive Council, fires all Commissioners

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Delta State Governor Ifeanyi Okowa has dissolved the State Executive Council (SEC), directing all 25 commissioners in the cabinet to hand over to permanent secretaries with immediate effect. (TNG) reports the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), all special advisers, including the chief strategist of the Government and the senior political adviser were also affected


Delta State Commissioner for Information, Mr Charles Aniagwu, who himself was affected by the dissolution, made this known on Tuesday while briefing journalists at the Government House Asaba.

“It happened that the Exco today lasted a bit longer than we anticipated. Let me from the onset drop what may be the headline for today: the Exco has been dissolved.


“And so, I am the immediate past commissioner for information. All commissioners are to handover to permanent secretaries with immediate effect.

“All special advisers are also to handover to the person next to them, including the chief strategist of the Government, and of course, including the chief of staff, the SSG and the senior political adviser,” Aniagwu said.


Aniagwu stated that the reason for the dissolution was to give room for fresh hands to strengthen the administration’s agenda of a stronger Delta.

According to him, the Governor thanked members of the dissolved SEC for their contributions to the success of his administration in the past six years, including those who joined in the last two years.


Meanwhile, the former Information Commissioner disclosed that prior to the dissolution, the State Exco approved the construction and upgrade of facilities in the three newly established universities with the sum of N2.8 to facilitate their seamless take off.

He said that the State Exco also approved the establishment of three new secondary schools at Otor-Iyede in Isoko North, Forcados in Burutu and Bomadi as well as a primary school in Ibusa town in Oshimili North Local Government Area.


Mr. Aniagwu further disclosed that the dismissal of Mr. Bernard Onomovo over his involvement in illegal inclusion of names into the state government’s payroll was also approved.

While saying that Exco equally approved the participation of the state in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) oil palm initiative where over seven billion naira is to be accessed through cooperative, he disclosed that approval was also given for the construction of Equator Street and adjoining roads in Osubi, Okpe Local Government Area of the state.

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