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Climate change agreement informed name change -TotalEnergies

L-R; None Executive Director, Total Nigeria Plc. Tejiro Ibru; Acting Chairman, Engr. Rufai Sirajo; Managing Director, Mr. Imrane Barry; and the Company Secretary, Olubumi Popoola at the Unveiling of new Total Energies Marketing Nigeria Plc, Logo held in Lagos.


Total has stated that its global name change to TotalEnergies was informed by a climate change agreement at a summit held in Paris, France in 2016.

Executive General Manager, Total Country Services, Mrs. Bunmi Popoola-Mordi, made this known at the unveiling of a new logo and name change for Total Nigeria Plc to Totalenergies Marketing Nigeria Plc held in Lagos on Friday, 20th of August 2020.


She said the final adoption of a new name for Totalenergies downstream company in Nigeria is subject to final local regulatory approval.

‘‘In 2016, there was a meeting held in Paris which brought about climate change agreement where the world sought to transform the energy system in order to meet the challenges of climate change. Total worldwide was a very active participant at that summit. We participated so actively because we were interested in what our world would be like tomorrow and for the betterment of all of us.


Accordingly, since 2016, Totalenergies has been making a lot of significant effort to incorporate climate change into all of our strategies. In May 2020, we prepared our vision to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. In September 2020, we translated that ambition into a dotted long strategy to transforming Total into a broad energy company.

That strategy, she noted is based on expansion in two key areas; natural gas and renewable power.


In an associated development, TotalEnergies flagship deepwater project in Nigeria, Egina, has won special laurel at the just concluded Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, Texas, United State of America.

The OTC, biggest assembly of stakeholders in the global oil industry, gave the special recognition to Egina based on unprecedented feats it achieved, particularly its contribution in raising Nigeria’s quota to the global pool of TotalEnergies’ daily output to 10 per cent.


Confirming this recognition during a virtual press conference, Deputy Managing Director, Total Deepwater District, Mr. Victor Bandele, added that TotalEnergies took the decision to invest in Egina during that period based on the company’s commitment and belief in Nigeria.


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