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Coup: PDP governors warn president Tinubu against using force in Niger


Governors who won elections under the umbrella of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP) have collectively issued a warning to Nigeria’s president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu against taking military intervention with the Nigerien coupists, but instead, he should use diplomacy and dialogue.

This was disclosed by the Press Secretary to the forum chairman, Humwashi Wonosikou, via a statement on Saturday, during a meeting in Abuja.


In another development, PDP Governors’ Forum chairman, Bala Mohammed, emphasized the need for party discipline and re-iterated zero tolerance for anti-party activities and process.

He expressed commitment to reposition and stabilize the party, adding that unity and loyalty are still core values of the PDP


The meeting also reassured its support to the PDP Presidential candidate, Atiku Abubakar to rescue the stolen mandate in the tribunal, adding that it would do everything lawful towards achieving this.

The governors promised to work in partnership with the party at the states and national levels to ensure good governance, transparency and accountability.

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