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Fleeing second COVID-19 case in Kebbi dies


The second case of coronavirus in Kebbi State, who absconded from the hospital, is dead.

Commissioner for Health​, Jaafaru Mohammed, who also is the chairman State Task Force on covid-19, stated this on Saturday while giving situation updates on the emergency.


He said: “The second case was a patient from the Federal Medical Centre, Birnin Kebbi. He was a 60 year old man, a known diabetic and hypertensive patient.

” He was brought to the centre from the Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital ( UDUTH), Sokoto by his relative


” After reviewing the case by a Consultant, COVID-19 was suspected and our Rapid Response Team swung into action.”

Mohammed said his samples were taken on April 25 but the patient absconded before he was taken to the isolation centre.


The commisioner lamented​ the patient died at home on April 26.

Mohammed explained: “The corpse was taken to UDUTH mortuary as against the earlier information given by his family members that, it was taken to Benue State for burial.


” On the 29th of April, 2020,the result turned out to be positive and the contact tracing commenced.”

The Commissioner disclosed the team had traced twelve close contacts and seventeen others.


” Their samples have been taken to the reference laboratory in UDUTH,Sokoto while the Sokoto State Epidomologist and the Management of UDUTH had​ been informed,” he added.

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