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Herdsmen kill three in Benue

Tension in Ekiti as suspected Fulani herdsmen kill local hunter

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Suspected Fulani herdsmen killed three farmers in Tse-Tyodugh, Logo Local Government Area of Benue State, it was learnt yesterday.


A community leader and chieftain of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Chief Job Tiza, who confirmed the killings, identified the deceased as Ormoba Tsebo, Mkarsha Kyaave and Aondofa Iorliam.

Tiza said the farmers were killed about 7.30am on their way to the farm.


According to him, four persons were riding on an okada when they were ambushed by suspected herdsmen who opened fire on them. Three died immediately while the surviving victim is on admission in the hospital.

The community leader appealed to security agencies to live up to their responsibility of protecting life and property.


Chairman of Logo council Richard Nyajo, who also confirmed the incident, dismissed reports by the military that Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have returned home.

Nyajo called on security agencies to tackle security challenges in the council.


Police spokesman Moses Yamu said he was yet to get the report.

“As we speak, those displaced persons have refused to return home because the herdsmen are still occupying the farm and communities,” he said.

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