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Osun 2022: PRP withdraws from governorship polls


The Peoples Redemption Party (PRP) has withdrawn from Saturday’s governorship election scheduled to hold on Saturday in Osun state.

This development was made known by the National Secretary of the party, Babatunde Alli on Thursday in the state.


PRP blamed its decision which came less than 48 hours before the election on its governorship candidate in the State, Ayowole Olubusuyi Adedeji.

Adedeji said “The National Executive Committee (NEC) of our great party, the PRP has noted with great concern and disappointment, the negative effects of obvious in-activity of the Governorship Candidate of the party in Osun State, Mr. Ayowole Olubusuyi Adedeji, both on the party structures in Osun State and at the National level.


“The National Executive Committee (NEC) having therefore considered all options hereby direct the withdrawal of the PRP from the Osun State Governorship Election of 16th July 2022,” the statement read in part.

PRP has also set up a five-man disciplinary committee to investigate Adedeji.


As a result, the party called on its supporters in the State “to concentrate on the project of party building towards electoral victories in the 2023 General Election, while completely dissociating itself from the Governorship Election holding on Saturday 16th July 2022, in Osun State”.




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