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Photo story: See faces of thugs who invaded, stole Senate’s mace


The FCT police command has arrested some suspected thugs that invaded the Senate chambers on Wednesday, during plenary and stole the symbol of authority, the mace.

This was made known in the pictures that went viral on the internet a few minutes ago.


The suspected thugs reportedly accompanied a suspended Senator, Ovie Omo-Agege, to the National Assembly to disrupt deliberations on the floor and carted away the mace.

The suspects’ names and local government areas were given as; Peter Orede; Warri South, Blessing Edjeke; Abraka In Ethiope East, Tuoyo Mabiaku; Warri North, Lucky Okomu; Oghara in Ethiope West, and Prince Enayemo; Ughelli South.


The pictures showed the alleged suspects in handcuffs inside a police patrol vehicle.

Reports said the suspects have been detained and will soon be interrogated by police detectives.


See the photos below:


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