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SAD! Trigger-happy vigilante kills man seven days to wedding


A-29-year-old man, Mr Chukwudi Chukwu, has been shot by a vigilante at Okposi community, in the Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.

The deceased was said to be attending a wake with his friend at Nediokpa village, when the gun-wielding Hosanna Aju allegedly opened fire on him on Tuesday.


It was gathered that the victim was to wed on April 28, 2021, before his life was cut short by the trigger-happy local security man.

The victim, it was further learnt, hailed from Amoji Nenwe community, in the Aninri LGA of Enugu State.


The deceased’s friend, who attended the wake with him, Mr Innocent Ezeogo, told our correspondent that the attacker approached them shortly after arriving at the venue and wanted to fire a shot in their midst.

He noted that they complained against the move and stood up to leave when the gunman shot his friend dead.


The victim’s wife-to-be, Juliana Nnamani, stated she was still in shock over sad occurrence .

She called on the police to ensure the diligent prosecution of the culprit.


A brother of the deceased, Mr Emeka Chukwu highlighted that the incident was a pointer to the number of illegal arms in circulation in the country.

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer in the state, Mrs Loveth Odah, confirmed the incident.


Odah explained that the culprit had been arrested and that investigations revealed that he was not a vigilante.

She added that the source of the locally-made gun could not be ascertained.


She said, “Plans have been concluded to arraign the suspect.”


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