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Why Christians shouldn’t wear facemasks in church -Rev Chris Okotie


Senior Pastor of the Household of God Church, Reverend Chris Okotie has stated that wearing of facemasks or shields in church is unbiblical



In a 28-minute video sent via WhatsApp to his church members, Rev. Okotie said although he accepted the imperatives of the safety precautions to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the wearing of mask or face shield was unacceptable.



Quoting different Bible references, the pastor said for Christians to wear any type of mask or face shield to church was to reestablish the veil which was torn the moment Jesus died on the cross.



He said, with the tearing of the veil, there was no longer separation between God and his people, warning that wearing masks would reverse the order, which was unacceptable.



“When a man is standing before God in church wearing a shield or mask, he is denying the finished work of the cross,” he said, adding that most Christians do not understand the implications, thinking it is just a medical requirement.



According to the Reverend, if a believer wears the facemask, he rejects the effectiveness of the word of God; and as such, he would not allow members of his church to do that, which is why the Household of God Church won’t resume service.



Rev. Okotie said that for the church to resume, the altar had to be in order.



“Before we offer our sacrifices and lift up holy hands before God, we must make sure that everything is decent and in order,” he insists.

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