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Why I proposed Regional Government in Nigeria – Fapohunda gives reasons

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The citizen responsible for proposing a bill which seeks to return regional government in Nigeria, Akin Fapohunda, has explained the reason behind his action.


Speaking on the reason behind his actions, Fapohunda said that if President Bola Tinubu could restore the old national anthem, then he feels it is in order for the country to embrace regional government and return to the past.

He added that what is presently in circulation is a draft which he intends to present to the representative of his constituency in the House of Representatives in the hope that it can be accepted and adopted.

In his words, if the draft is accepted, a proper drafting of the bill can then be done.

“I have a PhD. in Agricultural Science, but I am into Information and Communication Technology. I have been involved in constitution drafting for years,” he said.


He added that “‘I have done a preliminary draft for Nigerians to ponder over. Next week, I will be seeing my representative in the House of Representatives. We hope that senators and House members can embrace this modest proposal for a change.

“If this is acceptable, we can then sit down and do a proper drafting of the bill.”

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