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9th Assembly will end jinx of PIB passage — Lawan


The President of the Senate, Dr. Ahmad Lawan on Thursday assured Nigerians of a conclusive reform in the Nigerian oil and gas industry, saying the ninth National Assembly will quicken the passage of Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB).
Lawan spoke when he received the Chief Executive Officer of the ExxonMobil Group of Companies, Mr. Pul McGrath who led the team of Executives from the company to his office on Thursday.
Lawan recalled several attempts had been made by previous assemblies, but the PIB was not passed.
“We came closer in the 8th Assembly, we disaggregate the Bill, we did better than previous Assemblies unfortunately, we ran out of time.
“We have a vibrant team now, I promise Nigerians, we will start as soon as we inaugurate our Committee and they will start the work on the PIB.
“This time around, we will work with every stakeholder in the industry. Whatsoever it will take to make this Bill beneficial to Nigerians and the players, we will not hesitate.
We demand your collaboration, we will work together in the interest of the country and everyone.” he assured.
The President of the Senate also seized the occasion to call on multinational companies who operate in the Niger Delta region to as a matter of priority intensify efforts on their corporate social responsibility.
“Corporate Social Responsibility is one area that requires our attention. The host community that produces this oil must be taken care of. The goose that lay golden eggs must be protected,” Lawan advised.

He said the ExxonMobil would always be available to work with the parliament on the reform in the sector.
“We look forward to a closer working relationship with the ninth National Assembly and in particular the Senate. We will support the reform in the industry and our commitment is intact,” he said.

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