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Abuja: Dark days of long fuel queues back as black market thrives

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By Emman Ovuakporie

The long fuel queues reminiscent of the dark days are back in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, as black marketers sell a litre of fuel for N300.

Advertisement, (TNG) reports this new development as motorists queue in most filling stations while some stations refused to sell along the Kaduna Zuba expressway on Tuesday.

Recall that TNG had reported last week that fuel scarcity was imminent as fuel depots refused to load fuel tankers because of the ENDSARS protests that rocked the country last week.


Along the Kaduna Kubwa express way, TNG observed that the regular filling stations had long queues while black market operators sell a litre of fuel by the sides of the filling stations for N300, N142 higher than the pump price which is N158.




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