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Aso Rock braces for Coronavirus


Following President Muhammadu Buhari’s call on Nigerians not to panic after Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was confirmed in the country, Aso Rock seems to be bracing up seriously against the disease.

Garba Shehu, Senior Special Assistant to President Buhari on Media and Publicity on Monday shared a photo with Muhammad Elder Mashi, team leader from center for disease control in the State House, getting the Villa ready in case of Coronavirus.


Earlier, President Buhari had noted with sadness, the recent confirmation of a case of Covid-19 infection in Lagos, Nigeria, “despite the ardent efforts of the government regarding preparedness and response measures put in place in our country’s borders and beyond”.

He, however, commended the Federal Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies whose diligence and efficiency enabled the case to be detected, diagnosed and isolated quickly, even while swift measures were taken to identify and follow up on those with whom the index patient came into contact.


The President commended the responses of the Federal Ministry of Health and Governments of Lagos and Ogun States as well as other relevant agencies to the reported incident and calls for vigilance on the part of all citizens and responsible government agencies.

President Buhari urged Nigerians not to panic about the news of this first case of Covid-19 in our country, as undue alarm would do us more harm than good.


“Instead, Nigerians should strictly observe the advisories disseminated by the Ministry of Health, Nigeria Centre for Disease Control and the World Health Organisation (WHO), on the best way to prevent infection,” the President had said.

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