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BBOG protests killing of Aid worker by Boko Haram

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The Bring Back Our Girls (BBOG) campaign group on Tuesday protested the killing of another UN aid worker, Hauwa Liman, by Boko Haram insurgents on Monday.
The insurgents had given a 30-day ultimatum to the Nigerian government before they reportedly took the life of Hauwa, who worked with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
But in a statement by its spokesperson, Nifemi Onifade, issued on Monday, the group said it was deeply saddened by the news of her death, despite several appeals to the government to take action to secure the release of all those in captivity.
The group, therefore, said it is embarking on the protest to make more demands to the Federal Government to ensure that the remaining captives including Leah Sharibu are released safely.
The statement read, “It is with deep sadness that we receive the regrettable news of Hauwa Liman, today on the 15th of October, 2018. Hauwa was a humanitarian aid worker, working with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) at the time of her abduction with her colleagues, Saifura Ahmed and Alice Ngadahh – whom we now collectively refer to as the #RannWomen.
“The news we have received suggests that she was killed in a similar manner as Saifura was, about a month ago, following a threat by the terrorists to do so.
“We had been monitoring the situation since their abduction 228 days ago. We have since made numerous demands to the government, asking for actions that will ensure their safe return during a number of marches and as contained in our letter to the President earlier today”.

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