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Breaking: 5 Adamawa villages under attack, death toll undisclosed

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Five Adamawa villages, all in Numan local government, are reportedly under “attacks right now” by suspected herdsmen, and the number of casualties is yet to be known.


TheNewsGuru reports Amnesty International Nigeria made this known stressing it had notified the army and police authorities in Adamawa, but no intervention as at the time of filing this report.

“Amnesty International Nigeria is deeply concerned about attacks right now on going on the following villages: Nega, Bang, Gon, Bolki, and Nzumosu in Adamawa state Nigeria.

“Amnesty International Nigeria is deeply concerned about the inability of security forces to rein in the attackers in Adamawa.

“Amnesty International notified the army and police authorities in Adamawa state today in the morning but is surprised to learn that the attacks are still ongoing.


“Amnesty International Nigeria calls on the state authorities to deploy police to protect the affected villages immediately and Nigerian Police to begin an investigation into the conduct of the security forces in these latest attacks,” the Organization disclosed.


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