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Catholic Bishop calls for sober reflection as faithfuls celebrate Good Friday


As the faithful celebrate another Good Friday, though in low key, the Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Oyo, Most Rev. Emmanuel Badejo, urges Christians to have a sober reflection.

Badejo told the News Agency of Nigeria in Ibadan on Friday that the present situation of things in the world called for an urgent need for humanity to return to God.


According to him, the importance of Good Friday is to teach that God loves humanity and human beings in turn should show love to one another to appreciate the death of Jesus.

“It also teaches that suffering and pain are not always evil. Jesus obeyed, suffered and died for a noble cause.


“He, therefore, challenged his disciples to carry their cross daily and follow Him.

“We learn from Christ that it’s not all pain that must be avoided. Authentic Christianity teaches redemption through suffering not from suffering; meaning that God is God not only when things are smooth but also in rough times.


“Therefore, Good Friday helps us to find some meaning in the misery that we may see in the world today,” he said.

The Bishop urged all those in authority to be leaders who would make a sacrifice for their followers and leave a lasting legacy.


“During these COVID-19 time, although the restrictions are necessary, let the leaders do everything possible to alleviate the suffering of the masses.

“Also, everyone should help at this time. Those who, at this time, escape to safer places or help only themselves don’t demonstrate the teaching of Jesus Christ but betray His spirit who asked us to love as he loved us (Jn. 15:12).

“On such a day, let’s create a better world, carry someone else’s cross a little and let them know that Jesus loves them,” Badejo said.

Also speaking, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Chairman in Oyo State, Pastor Benjamin Akanmu, urged the faithful to use the occasion of Good Friday to re-examine their lives.


“It should be a day to respond to the calling of Jesus where he said ‘I am thirsty’ on the cross. Not a day to mourn,

“We should check whether we are truly committed because it’s through commitment that Jesus gave His life.


“If we are unworthy, we should rededicate ourselves to be good ambassadors of Jesus and reconcile people to God through our lifestyles,” he said.

Good Friday is the day the faithful celebrate the death of Jesus Christ on the cross for the salvation of mankind.

It’s the 6th day of the Holy Week, the 2nd of what is called the Easter triduum and the three days which precede Easter Sunday.

On this day, Christians especially Catholics celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus in a special way by fasting, praying, doing corporal works, among others.

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Oyo State Government imposed a dusk to dawn curfew and banned gatherings of more than 10 persons, including churches.

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