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COVID-19: RCCG parish throws out pews, puts food packs in place for the needy [PHOTOS]

COVID-19: RCCG parish throws out pews, puts food packs in place for the needy [PHOTOS]

A Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) parish in Warri, Delta State, where security operatives killed a 28-year-old man named Joseph Pessu on Thursday, has set its pews aside and neatly arranged food packs in place. (TNG) reports the RCCG parish is the Champions Cathedral parish in Warri Province 5, and the food packs are for onward distribution to members, and neighbours of the church, who are in need.

Food packs replace pews at Champions Cathedral
Caretakers watch over the food packs at Champions Cathedral
A prayer session before distribution of the food packs at Champions Cathedral
Church workers package the foodstuffs at Champions Cathedral
Packaging of the foodstuffs at Champions Cathedral
Distribution of the food packs at Champions Cathedral
Beneficiaries leaving RCCG parish happy
Some beneficiaries don’t mind a pose for the camera

According to sources, the church has always carried out this goodwill back to back, but that this time around, the church is doing it to ameliorate the effects of the government stay at home order in the face of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Recall that COVID-19 broke out in the country in late February and governments at all levels, including the Delta State Government, put containment measures in place.

As part of the containment measures, the government closed all borders to avoid more imported cases of COVID-19. Also, citizens were advised to stay at home to avoid community transmission.

The government has also banned large gatherings, leaving pews empty, as churches now find new ways to hold programmes.


However, with the stay at home orders being enforced across States of the federation, there are attendant consequences. Many Nigerians have complained of lack of power supply and hunger.

While the government is distributing cash to the vulnerable, and individuals are donating funds for the poor in the society, churches are not left out.

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