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DSS not military negotiated release of Dapchi schoolgirls – DHQ


The Defence Headquarters has said the military were not involved in the negotiations leading to the release of 104 out of the 110 girls abducted by Boko Haram insurgents in Dapchi, Yobe state.

The Acting Director of Defence Information, Brig. Gen John Agim said in a text message that the Department of State Services, (DSS) , led the negotiations for the release of the girls.


Following series of enquiries from the Defence Headquarters on the role of the Military regarding the release of the girls in the early hours of Wednesday, Brig. Gen Agim responded via a text message saying “the girls were released through negotiations led by the Department of State Services (DSS)”

Recall that the girls were abducted in their hostels at Government Girls Science and Technical College, Dapchi, Yobe State by the Boko Haram insurgents on Monday 19, February 2018. They were however released on Wednesday (yesterday) following mass appeals and negotiations nationally and internationally.



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