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Gov. Wike bags international POS award

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Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Ezenwo Wike has been nominated for the prestigious International Sports Press Association-Africa (AIPS) Africa Power of Power (POS) Award.


In a nomination letter to the Rivers State Governor, dated 26th March, 2018, President AIPS Africa, Mitchell Obi said that Governor Wike is being recognised for his remarkable fidelity in raising the bar of sports matters and using sports as a catalyst for development.

The AIPS Africa also recognised the role of Governor Wike in Nigeria through the use of sports as a tool to effectively engage the youth population in the continent.


The letter read: “The decoration of this badge of honour will take place at the continental meeting in Brussels on the 8th/9th of May 2018”.

The AIPS Africa also stated that Governor Wike is expected to deliver a lecture on the topic: “Peace and Progress through Sports in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria ” to the full house of the 94 year old International Sports Press Association (AIPS) comprising no fewer than 108 countries.


While congratulating the Rivers State Governor, the AIPS Africa President praised his commitment to the growth of sports in the continent.

It will be recalled that Rivers State recently hosted the African Wrestling Championship considered the very best.



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