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Kankara abduction: Presidency apologises for misinforming Nigerians

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Presidential spokesman, Garba Shehu, on Friday apologised for incorrectly stating that only ten boys had been kidnapped at the government science school in Kankara, Katsina state.


The boys, numbering in their hundreds, were kidnapped one week ago and were released on Thursday by their abductors.

Shehu had told the BBC that only ten of them had been kidnapped, even as state government sources put the figure at 333.


“I apologize for the incorrect communication citing that only 10 students were kidnapped at the science school, Kankara,” Mr Shehu said on Friday via his verified Twitter page.

“This communication of numbers was provided by persons that should ideally know. These numbers were seen to conflict with what was available at that time.


“Please understand that this communication was in no way done to downplay the seriousness of the situation.

“Please accept my sincere apologies on this matter as we continue to move our great Nation Nigeria forward. Thank you.”

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