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Man borrows money to sponsor RCCG convention all by himself

Man borrows money to sponsor RCCG convention all by himself

General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye has revealed how a man borrowed money from an undisclosed bank to sponsor all by himself the church’s annual convention that usually holds in August. (TNG) reports Pastor Adeboye, who made the disclosure on Sunday, did not reveal the identity of the man but said the person eventually went on to become the chairman of the bank from which he took the loan.


“I told you before, one of my sons came to me and said daddy, please pray for me that God will prosper me. I want to be one of the three people who will sponsor the convention. I said fine, are you sure that is why you… he said yes. Okay, we prayed.

“The following week he came back. Daddy, I said God should prosper me so I can sponsor the convention, my place of work, they sacked me. I laughed. Are you going to sponsor the convention on that little salary of yours? He heard your prayer so He had to shut one door and open another. A few months later, he brought enough money to take care of at least one-third of the expenses of the convention.


“Another fellow heard the testimony and came to me… daddy I want to be the one who will single-handedly sponsor the convention of this year. He said how much, I said how would I know. I don’t know how many people will come. But I can tell you how much we spent last year. So I told him.

“I thought he would run away and not come back. He came back the following week with a banker’s draft. Later on, I was to learn he borrowed the money. But you know what? It wasn’t long after that the very bank he borrowed the money from, he became the chairman,” Adeboye said.


Adeboye, fondly referred to as Daddy GO, who was speaking on “the shortest way to the greatest height” in continuation of his message titled “from lockdown to leaping up part 7”, narrated how the Holy Ghost service of the RCCG started.

“I’ve told you before the story of the origin of the Holy Ghost service. My birthday was approaching, I was in London, preparing the Sunday school pamphlet for the Redeemed Christian Church of God when God said to me son what do you want for your birthday.


“And I said because I’m not sure I wasn’t aware that God could be interested in the birthday of anybody talk less of me. Daddy is that you? If it’s you, repeat the question, He repeated the question and I said well if it is that you are asking me, for all I want, is that every member of my congregation will get a miracle.

“I was seeking His kingdom. I want to do the work He has given me. I want to do it creditably. That is why the Holy Ghost service has been on since 1986 and it is waxing stronger day by day. That is why anywhere in the world where I go and I say we want to hold the Holy Ghost service we don’t have to beg people to come,” he said.

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