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Ministry resolves issues in National Youth Council of Nigeria


The Ministry of Youth and Sports, led by Mr. Sunday Dare has resolved issues tearing the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) apart, newly inaugurated President of the Council, Solomon Adodo has said.

Adodo made this known on Monday while speaking at an interactive session with teachers, patriots and journalists; at the end of which, Late Lt Col Mohammed Abu Ali killed in Maiduguri, slain corper of Channels TV, Precious Owolabi, killed during El-Zakzaky crisis and Enenche Akogwu an investigative journalist killed in the line of duty were given posthumous awards.


The NYCN President, while applauding the average Nigerian journalist from not blowing the situation in the country out of place, said if not for the maturity of the Nigerian media, Nigeria would have disintegrated by now.

He explained that the essence of the interactive session is to appreciate all major stakeholders in the struggle.


On the issue of factions in the council, Adodo said last week the Ministry of Youth called all factions and asked them to end all grievances and allow peace to reign.

“As I speak now there’s no faction in the council and this is the beginning of better things to come in the future.


“To move Nigeria forward we will create jobs for the youth because we are employable youth and this we shall achieve in a very short time from now,” he said.

Chairman of the session Chief Gbenga Onayaikan represented by Victorson Agbenson, President of the South South Pen Pushers Forum in his remarks said: “The organised labour in Nigeria is in disarray today and it has affected the youth movement in the country and if it must move forward all factions in the council must cease to exist so that the youth can move forward. Let them say enough is enough let them close rank and form a formidable force to combat challenges ahead”.

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